
Breaking Records

record breaker

I did not plan for this, and I was just hoping that I could get 100 new subs every 13 days. However, 13 days seemed too long for the unicorns who have been bringing you guys in, and they decided that 10 days was good enough.

Yes, I’ve gotten over 100 new subs in 10 days! One particular day, WordPress gave me a little trophy at my notifications saying I garnered 16 new subs that day itself! That’s.. a lot.

I’m happy, of course, but this is fast! So fast, it’s like a sudden gush of exclamation marks!!!!!!!!!!!!! Like a broken dam of excitement indicators flooding a pool of words! Is this even real? I silently wonder.

I can’t thank you guys enough for your support and your readership. As the number increases I feel more driven to perform and outdo myself; to keep on getting better for you guys and for myself as well. Sometimes when I struggle to write a good story, I think about the support I’ve been getting and I feel a boost of confidence. So thanks for everything guys 🙂

Well, that’s about it for this ‘thank you’ post! A big thank you to all 2,200 readers, and I hope you guys stick around for more adventures to come!

Btw, my e-books are now available on Gumroad for easier purchasing. Visit the bookshop today for the books up for sale!

*If you are relatively new to my blog, I publish a post every Thursday alternating with a Harry Potter fan fiction and an original short story. You can also check out my other works through the Originals page 🙂

20 thoughts on “Breaking Records”

  1. Hi Jeyna, my first visit to your sight and I’m in awe! I’ll be back. 🙂
    And thanks for your comment on my blog. I’m so new to this whole thing, it meant a lot!

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