
3 Things I Shouldn’t Have Done

I did some thinking and asked myself how I’d come to a place of not wanting to write stories for the past two years. Were there things I could have done differently? Well, I found three—three things I shouldn’t have done from the start.

1. Sacrifice joy
As much as perseverance is important in honing your craft, so is joy. For many years, I believed that consistency was the key to success, and yes, it did lead to some important milestones in my authoring journey. But, consistency shouldn’t rob me of the joy in creating. If I hadn’t forced myself to be consistent, even when I was creatively drained, I wouldn’t have dreaded the thought and act of writing. I wouldn’t have lost my passion for writing.

2. Set arbitrary goals
When I started writing, I told myself to complete ten titles before I turned thirty. The reason? None. It was ‘just because’. And even though I was called prolific during the years where I kept releasing novels and novellas almost on a yearly basis, I began feeling the pressure to deliver a promise I’d made to myself on a whim. It may have come from an ambitious place, but it wasn’t worth the feeling of being not-good-enough when I couldn’t accomplish my goal. And, guess what? I had only written nine titles when I turned thirty, three years ago—I haven’t written another title since.

3. Write for the millions
There’s nothing wrong in wishing to be read by millions—one should dream and dream big. But the goal of being read by many shouldn’t distract you from creating. In the past years, I had been pitching my novel, Whispers of the Wind, in hopes of having it traditionally published for wider distribution. And while I was pitching, I decided to put writing on hold because I didn’t see the point of creating when I’d yet to sell my current novel. I stopped writing for the possibility of a million readers, when I should’ve kept writing for the one. Today, I’ve decided to write for the one, because one reader is worth writing for.

These three lessons have certainly changed the way I view my passion for writing and storytelling. And I hope, if you’re in this same journey, that my past experiences are helpful to you, too. After all, passions are hard to come by, and we wouldn’t want to lose them at the risk of never finding them again.

Writing Journey

Looks Like… I’m Back!

It has been a little over 3 months since I last posted on January 28th, and boy, does it feel like I’ve been gone for a lifetime!

To be honest, after close to 9 years of posting weekly, I began to feel a little burned out last year. Of course, posting weekly wasn’t the only reason why I was no longer inspired—2020 was the year I transitioned from employed to self-employed, where I had a few business ideas and partnerships that flopped, and… well… the pandemic in general. The accumulative effect of all that transpired in the last year made 2021 feel like an extension of it. And perhaps, I just lost my drive to keep writing for this blog—one that I’ve spent many years building. But, the good news is…. I’m back! And, I’ve also gotten my first dose of vaccine!

With that being said, however, there will be one minor change in how I blog from now on. For many years, I made posting here a ‘job’. After all, I found myself feeling guilty whenever I missed a week. Hence, to find the joy in blogging, storytelling, and creative writing in general, I’ve decided not to impose the ‘once a week’ rule upon myself. Additionally, I will kickstart this renewed blogging spirit with the final story of 12 Genre Months—that I didn’t publish last December, nor write for that matter—this month. Yes, it’s time to get back to writing!

Oh, and to all who stuck around in my absence, thank you so very much! Oddly enough, I’ve been getting traffic and new subscribers in the past few months… of which I’m quite confused about since I’ve stopped posting for a while. But thank you, nonetheless, for joining me here. I do hope you will stay onboard as we embark on a ‘new’ blogging adventure together!


Stop Finding Comfort!

Disclaimer: I’m not a life coach 🙅 I’m an author.

But… I’ve possibly found one of the best FREE life coaches there is today. So if you’re looking to ‘level up’, this coach might be the one for you!

Want more videos? Head over to Facebook now! 

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You’re NEVER Going To Be Ready

Are you ready? Are you REALLY ready? 🤔

I hate to burst your bubble but you’re never going to be ready. And here are 3 reasons why.

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Have a question you’d like me to answer in video? Leave it below! 


Are You The Hero Of Your Story?

Nobody likes being the boring side character. So why then do we feel like a sidekick all the time? 😔

To become the hero of your own story is to embrace your hero’s journey. But what does that journey entail? You’ll be surprised, because it’s not what you think 🦸

Want more videos? Head over to Facebook now! 

Have a question you’d like me to answer in video? Leave it below! 


Can’t Find Your Unique Voice? Here’s Why!

Struggling to find your unique voice? There’s a reason why!

If you want to find your unique voice, you have to stop doing this one thing… RIGHT NOW

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Can We Ever Stop Doubting?

Is doubt your friend or your enemy? Can you get rid of doubt all together?

From the many years of self-doubt, especially in my art, I’ve found doubt… to be not what it seems.

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What Is Passion?

How do you define ‘passion’? 🤔

The reason why some of us give up on our ‘passion’ is because we don’t fully understand what ‘passion’ is. Do YOU have the right definition of passion?

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How Your Dream Is Wasting Your Time

Wait, what? Did I just say that your dream is wasting your time? BLASPHEMY! 😱

Alas, this isn’t a lie—I’ve lost many years to my dream. So before you become a victim yourself, find out how your dream is wasting your time now!

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How To Write Your First Novel

With the current global situation, I thought, “With plenty of time on our hands, why not try something new?” Hence, I ran a poll on my Facebook and Instagram story—asking you if you were interested in a video series regarding novel writing!

Well, it’s safe to say that the results were skewed. And since you asked for it, I did it—I created 5 videos covering the fundamentals of novel writing… particularly if it’s your first time!

Below is the first video of the 5-part series—part 2 is already on Facebook, and part 3 will be released tomorrow. Be sure to also tune in for part 4 and part 5, which will be released next week. Fingers-crossed, these videos will be of some help to get you started on your novel-writing adventure!

Want more videos? Head over to Facebook now!